Institution Nakashian Children’s Support Center (House of Hope-Mer Hooys)
Age 19
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 2005-08-02
Family History: Dianna’s parents are divorced, and her mother lives with a sibling having no home of her own. Diana's two sisters Vika and Jemma are also living at the Center.
Medical History: Diana is a healthy child
Immediate Needs: Educational and day-to-day expenses ($600/annually).
Diana will be starting 12th grade this fall. In the summers she works at a bookstore with her twin sister, Jemma. Diana is interested in becoming a cook. Her mother is now ready to help care for the girls and when they turn 18 the family will be reunited.
Diana just completed 10th grade with good marks. Diana wants to become a chef and works at a book cafe making sweets. She also takes English classes at the Center.
Diana with her sisters, Jemma and Vika.