Institution Children's Home of Gyumri (Armenia)
Age 6
Gender: Male
Family History: The parents refuse to see/visit Karen
Medical History: The child's condition was severe, He had an oval-shaped post-operative scar in the thoracic cavity, visible mucous membranes, clean, wet, head hydrocephaly, the skull is rapidly growing. There are loungers on the head. Movement activity is lower in lower limbs, on 10/10/2018, was performed MRI of hemoglobin, C5-Th-6-6 hidrosiringomelia. He had surgery on 11/13/2018 to install a ventriculoperitoneal shunt.
Immediate Needs: Ongoing medical needs.
Karen Petrosyan is 4 years old now. He has had significant positive progress, likes to play with toys, especially bright colored sound toys. He listens carefully and follows simple instructions without delay. His therapist is working on cognitive and mental spheres.