Institution SOS Children's Villages' Armenian Charity Foundation - Kotayk (Armenia)
Age 16
Date Profile Received: 2023-05-04
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 2008-07-22
Family History: Marina and her sister moved to SOS children’s village when Marina was 11. Their family was in a hopeless situation as the gas cylinder in their house had exploded and the house was destroyed. Their parents are divorced. The mother has a new family and two other children. She frequently visits her elder daughters. Marina talks to her father on phone and recently he was in Armenia and came to visit her.
Special Interests: Marina attends a dance group. She takes an active part in every event initiated by the leader of the dance group. Marina wants to become a famous dancer and travel around the world.
Immediate Needs: Dance accessories and participation in local and international concerts, clothes, school supplies, educational needs ($1,200/annually).