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 Families of Fallen Soldiers



Age 23

Date Profile Received: 2023-09-22

Date of Birth: 2000-08-19

Region: Tavush Region, Sevkar Village

Sibling(s): Anna (DOB 3/16/1999)

Family History: Seno's father passed away in 2014. His mother is a teacher in the village school. His sister is in medical school. Seno participated in the 2020 Artsakh War and developed neurological issues. He is under the care of a doctor and on medication. After his last exam, his doctor suggested surgery. The family has taken out loans to be able to afford his medications and treatment. His family is unable to cover his educational and medical expenses. Even though he has this health issue Seno studies at Yerevan State University, faculty of International Relations AND has a dual major also studying at the faculty of Jurisprudence 2nd course. Seno is receiving very high marks in his classes.

Immediate Needs: Tuition for Seno, rent assistance, and medical expenses ($2,400/annually).