Institution Warm Hearth~3rd Village (Armenia)
Age 45
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: 1979-01-08
Family History: At the age of six, Susanna and her sister were left by their mother at an orphanage.
Medical History: There is no information about their mother. After Susanna moved to Kapan, she lost contact with her sister. In 2007, after she came to Warm Hearth, our staff helped her find her sister. Her sister visits Susanna regularly, and they have a good relationship now.
Special Interests: Susanna has schizophrenia. She studied in the Carpet Weaving Department. Susanna sings beautifully and considers music her ‘specialty.” She is a deeply sensitive person. Previously quiet and reserved with strangers, Susanna has blossomed since WH opened. She puts aside special gifts for each visitor and shows kindness to anyone in her path. She loves making hand crafts and reading. She is generous and enjoys interacting with guests and going on walks. Before coming to WH, Susanne spent most of her time alone, often feeling misunderstood and alienated. We have been blessed to see such tremendous progress as she has been given kindness and love within our home. She has begun to pursue hobbies that long lay dormant. She reads avidly, participates in daily vocational development activities and has begun conducting classes for other residents. Her dream is to live with her sister in their house.
Immediate Needs: Susanna is in need of sponsorship funds to provide for her care, medical needs, therapy, food, clothing, and to support further development of vocational skills and integration in the community. Susanna also requires an expensive mediation, Zyprexa, on a daily basis to provide support for her schizophrenia.
Susanna participates in the carpet weaving group and continues to embroider tablecloths and handkerchiefs. She also takes excursions with the group learning how to navigate public transportation on her own. Susanna loves reading books and going to the Khnko Apor library as well as celebrating her birthday every year with her friends!
Susanna continues to take carpet weaving classes and attends Geghanist for drawing classes. Susanna has started doing embroidery and makes beautiful tablecloths.