Institution Kharberd Orphanage (Armenia)
Age 21
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 2003-02-27
Family History: Vanush was born in Gandzak village. The parents brought him to Kharberd in 2012 because of his ‘’difficult’’ health care. They visit their child quite often. Vanush knows his parents and trust them. Every time he become happy and smiling when he hears about his parents arrival.
Medical History: Vanush suffers from a CNS organic disorder, cerebral palsy, spastic paraplegia, severe mental retardation, phenylketonuria, sensor-alalia, enuresis, and enkopresis.
Special Interests: Vanush likes to watch TV and listen to music.
Immediate Needs: Some money for going sightseeing or summer holidays, warm clothes, summer clothes, sport shoes, summer and winter slippers, bedding accessories, blanket, socks, jacket, T-shirt, underwear clothes, diapers, toys made by different materials.
Vanush is involved in home school sessions, learning a variety of subjects and participating in rehabilitation for his motor skills.